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Some info about myself

My name is Klaas Vandendriessche. I am a 21 year old Belgian bioinformatics student of Howest University of Applied Sciences. Currently I'm performing my traineeship at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory - European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) in Hinxton, a small village in the neighbourhood of the student city Cambridge. 

EMBL-EBI is famous for their large contributions to the international bioinformatics community. They offer well known data resources such as UniProt and Ensembl. They also are the creators of the commonly used bioinformatic tools Clustal Omega and HMMER. 

Contact me

For any questions about my traineeship, you can contact me by filling in this form:


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2019: Traineeship EMBL-EBI, by Klaas Vandendriessche 

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