I also want to write something about my daily life on the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus where EMBL-EBI is located. To do this I will describe below an average working day of me.
My day starts at 8:07 with taking the campus bus 5 at the bus stop near the Gilbert road-Histon road intersection. The campus buses are free of charge. The double decker buses are used by many employees of the campus, so they mostly are completely fulled up. All busses are from the company Richmond. They are quite luxurious!

After a journey of about an hour the bus reaches the campus. After walking to the EMBL-EBI main (northern) building, I can start my day at the office.

You are free to have a break whenever you like, you can go then to one of the four coffee houses/restaurants on the campus to get breakfast, to get something to drink or to buy a morning snack. The main restaurant building, called Murray’s, offers a variety of hot meals at lunchtime (not very good, typical British food). There are no fixed hours for taking your noon break. I mostly lunch between 12 and 1 o’clock.

After lunch my office colleagues and I mostly take a walk in one of the many green zones in the vicinity of the campus, or outside the campus, in the tiny village of Hinxton.
In the evening I can take either route 5 (leaves at 17:30, at home at 18:30) or route 9 (leaves at 18:40, at home at 20:00) to return to the north of Cambridge.
Have I already mentioned that the British love their queues? All employees spontaneously form straight lines both in the morning and in the evening, one queue for each bus route. A rather unique view for somebody from abroad! We are certainly not used to this queuing mentality, perhaps we can learn something from the British after all!
